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Do you think TCG Live sucks compared to TCG online? Be HONEST.



  • Chandrasonic
    Chandrasonic Member Posts: 1
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    There seems to be much less diversity in the decks people use, I hope that improves with time. I think the decks they've given away are too powerful, so that every time I play it feels very predictable.

  • OldManHutch
    OldManHutch Member Posts: 7
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    Honestly, yes. While PTCGO was by no means perfect, it was way more fleshed out in regards to user experience. The friendly tutorial and "pve" mode, the separate queues for multiple formats, the tournaments - PTCGL just feels like so many steps backward in this regard and has made very little progress in the last year. We're PTCGO not halting set development, I imagine Live would continue to struggle to maintain players.

  • lvlrAdam
    lvlrAdam Member Posts: 96 ✭✭
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    Well duh

  • Sora_12
    Sora_12 Member Posts: 2
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    I think there are things I liked about tcgo that aren't present in tcglive and viceverse. Let's not forget that this one is still in beta and the other has been a thing for year. If they listen to players and take care of bugs it can get a lot better than ptcgo was.

  • Resilient30
    Resilient30 Member Posts: 258 ✭✭✭
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    It does have more potential

  • RelicStone
    RelicStone Member Posts: 1
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    PTCGL sucks. They had a great platform that everyone loved and enjoyed. Now most of us can't play cause of 10010.

    they should have made sure that there game was ready before making us switch over. fix your game.

  • CupOfJoe12987
    CupOfJoe12987 Member Posts: 2
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    I'm guessing everyone has forgotten the game is still in beta, and I'm not seeing nearly the as many of the same issues as the rest of you. It's a little resource intensive, and with the exception of a couple of small visual glitches, the game is decent.

  • Raquizz99
    Raquizz99 Member Posts: 10
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    I actually enjoy PTCG Live. I think being force to play the standard format really helped me understand how to build a solid deck. I think I personally enjoyed the PTGC Online ladder more than PTCG Live but other than that I think its a step up.

  • Eyemontom
    Eyemontom Member Posts: 22
    5 Agrees 10 Comments

    I can cope with the new economy, sure I'll have to buy codes etc and it's gonna be tough to build new decks when a new set drops. Guess we'll have to wait till we've opened a few hundred packs or burn through all the credits..

    What I don't understand is how unstable and slow the whole build is. Random errors being reported daily and each time a new set drops its a deluge of bugs, often game breaking. considering how solid ptcgo was this seems like a massive downgrade. I kinda assumed that a fresh build would be easier to update, not harder!

    Ranked is a cess pool of the same meta decks plus a few counters. No fun at all, luckly, the rewards are pityful so I'm not too fussed. I def prefered the old hidden ELO where you could rise up to meta or drop back down to more fun decks. At least the casual matches help this out.

    The battle pass need to have an ongoing part when finished. 6 weeks to go till the next Battle Pass and I've almost finished this one while hardly playing at all. Once done there's very little reason to keep playing other than a few crystals.

    Oh well, guess we're stuck with it. Just have to hope they listen to comments and improve over time.