Anyone know the best way to catch a shiny lv.100 magikarp in Pokemon Platinum?
I've got platinum and only platinum in that generation and I wanna catch a shiny lv.100 magikarp. Anyone know the best way to go about it?
Is Furfrou ever going to appear on any Nintendo Switch game?
There are 9 Pokemon left that have not appeared in any HOME-compatible Switch game to date: Patrat, Watchog, Pansage, Simisage, Pansear, Simisear, Panpour, Simipour, and Furfrou. Of those Pokemon, Panpour and Simipour are the only ones who have appeared on any Switch game at all thus far (they are wild spawns in at least…
Gen 10 Pokemon region
All right, minus the hints. I've been meaning to ask everyone the 20 million poke dollar question. Where will the gen 10 pokemon region will be at? Australia? Italy? Mexico? Germany? We should take a guess especially when the rumored successor to the nintendo switch be arriving.
I have found the best counter for Zamazenta
Ting-lu can ruin a Zamazenta player's day. When Tera poison Zamazenta can't do anything to it. A plus 2 defense body press does up to 39% of Ting-lu's health with 0 defense and 0 Hp. Also Ting-lu has two ways of ruining Zamazenta player's day. The first is to use ruination to make it fall to 2 flutter mane moonblasts if…
If you were to bring one unused Pokémon concept in the mainline game, which one it would be?
This include stuffs like Mega Flygon or the Fairy Gem.
Favorite non Pokemon games?
I like Mario and Kirby
What Pokémon spin-off series do you hope gets a new game in the future?
I am very interested to read about the spin-off games that everyone would like to see!!
Overseas with my Pokémon
I'm on my cruise to Mexico today. Me, Steenee, Pecharunt, and mascot Fakemon Malisteen are all aboard and ready for a four-day trip! Wish me luck!
What will happen if you receive and use a hacked pokemon?
I just got a hacked shiny umbreon not too long ago and I really like him, but I’m considering releasing him anyways. Will my data be deleted if I keep him or something? I’ve received quite a few hacked pokemon through surprise trades, so if I don’t use them, can I keep them or something? Or release them anyways?
Legends Z-A: Most Likely Megas
We know Mega Pokémon are returning in Legends Z-A, but we should know that Kalos Pokémon are actually hardly used to make Megas because the only Kalos Pokémon to have a Mega was Diancie. So here are Kalos Pokémon that will most likely get Mega evolutions in Z-A. Chestnaught, Delphox, Greninja Xerneas & Yveltal Volcanion…