Things I Don’t Want to See in Pokémon Forums

- Anything about having a strange relationship with a Pokémon
- Any links to 18+ sites of certain Pokémon art
- Unacceptable ways to portray Pokémon
If you encounter these on Pokémon Forums, report immediately
There are literally memes about things coming from these Forums
That was a couple of years ago during the summer invasion. Most of those accounts and threads were purged, but that is all most people know or remember about these forums. I think your average Pokémon fan believes these forums were shut down back then, if they are aware of them at all.
But there have always been... interesting groups within the Pokémon fandom. I think the only reason that it doesn't share the Sonic fanbase's reputation is because the series is so big and mainstream that the more... niché voices are drowned out by everyone and their mother having some involvement in the franchise.
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I love that you are warning against this, yet not too long ago, you did number one and three yourself.
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I think that we should have more guidelines.
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I don't think excessive guidelines or rules facilitate conversation. Indeed, it can turn communities into hives of snitches weaponising the rules against anyone who offers even mild resistance or disagreement.
Have a set of rules, be clear about what is and isn’t permitted, and enforce them fairly.
With a few exceptions, especially for the forum of a child focused franchise like Pokémon, I'd generally err on the side of not prohibiting discussion than over-regulating it.
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I think we should just stop being wierd and be normal
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I'm glad to hear that.