what's your favorite legendary trio?
Super-ancient Pokémon (Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza) Creation Trio (Dialga, Palkia, Giratina) Tao Trio (Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem) Aura Trio (Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde) Light Trio (Solgaleo, Lunala, Necrozma) Legends Of Galar (Zacian, Zamazenta, Eternatus) Legendary birds (Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno) Legendary beasts (Entei,…
Side goals before the teal mask commes out
After beating the game there are many side quest you can do like -complete the pokedex -compete in the academy ace tournament -refight the gym leaders If you beat all 3 side goals you can wait or play the gen 4 remake, arceus,gen8 dlc or gen 1 let's go -only in gen 4 remake mine some stuff for money in the grand cave -only…
here is some of my fanart
gardevoir is my favorite pokemon which is why there is two drawings of her lol
Was the Fire Starter Zodiac conspiracy ever true?
I always get confused when people say “Fuecoco broke the theory!” Or whatever it is. But point is, it was never real in the first place. I’ll go through every fire type to show you. Can anyone tell me if I’m over exaggerating? Charmander: Evolves into a dragon, so it makes sense. Cyndaquil: It may be the “Fire Mouse”…
Who is the best poke'mon champion
Although Leon is supposedly the best champion but who really is? They are all amazing. It just matters who your fav is. Mine is Cynthia she is the only Pokemon trainer who uses Garchomp. And from the best region of all time.
Best Pokémon Game?
Just wanted to see everyone’s opinion and reasoning. Possible games can be from main series and side series!
I’ve always thought it was weird that Mega Charizard Y is the one with higher Special Attack
Opinion on modern “evil” teams?
In the past few games, the evil teams (Skull, Yell, and Star) have never been that evil. Usually they’re misunderstood and act as a bait and switch for a bigger bad guy. Like, Aether, Rose, or Sada/Turo. Would you guys like to see a return to an actually evil team, in the next game? Or do you like the new formula?
Multi Battles
Looking for people to do multi battles with in scarlet and violet.
Which is the best Mega Evolution design?
Most megas are just BAD designs, like straight up the pokemon but more of it, look at Aerodactyl. In my opinion, Gigantamax mons are better designed than some megas since some pokemon like Orbeetle were designed with the giga form in mind. So, what do you think is the best mega design?