Game Freak making Questionable Decisions isn't New
So, given the state of the modern games, we all like to harp on Game Freak as developers for how they've fallen from grace. However, when you look at what kinds of things they've done in the past, they've always made some questionable decisions, such as: Creating the Dark type to counter the issue of Psychic being…
If you were a route 1 trainer and would have any starter route pokemon, which one would you have?
I'd have Sentret or Pikipek. I always liked the way Sentret looked and Pikipek is the coolest starter route bird pokemon, imo.
Type vs. Theme Gyms
So, I've seen some people online who are tired of seeing Gyms be Type-themed and would rather see them just be themed in general. Personally, I like type-themed Gyms but am open to the idea of Gyms just being themed. What are your thoughts on the matter?
What was your first Pokémon game?
My story regarding Pokémon was pretty lopsided at first, I'll admit, I started with Diamond, then got Platinum, Pokémon Black bored me and then I got into the fray with XY and... Well, here I am, 16 years later.
Favorite Regional/Regional Evolution/RFake?
My favorite regional has to be Alolan Raichu no doubt. I want to know what the most popular regional is because there's a most popular pokemon for everything nowadays lol.
Favorite and Least Favorite Rival?
For me: Favorite is probably Nemona- she's got a fun personality and her obsession with battles can get pretty humorous at times, especially in fan comics I've seen. Least favorite is probably Blue- I know most people like him but I personally don't wanna play a Pokemon game with a guy who's always belittling and putting…
Is there going to be 2 trios in the paradox forms
As for Iron Leaves (Virizon Paradox) and Walking Wake (Suicune Paradox) and as you saw new paradoxes that were Future Cobalion and Past Raikou, you think there going to complete the Future Swords of Justice and the Past Legendary Beasts?
What was everybody's favorite part of the presents?
For me, it was easily the dlc stuff, Archaludon is definitely going on my team when I get the DLC
Mandjtv dlc playthrough?
I think he has to to one normally. But I hope he does a team sky so he can terraseralize poochyena. Also a grunty Boi one. I really like grunty Boi. And make sure to subscribe so mickey will kiss drowzee.
What did you think about todays Pokemon Presents?
After seeing everything, what did you think?