Which starters are your favorites in each region?
My favorite starters from each region: Kanto: Bulbasaur Johto: Totodile Hoenn: Mudkip Sinnoh: Chimchar Unova: Oshawott Kalos: Fennekin Alola: Rowlet Galar: Grookey Hisui: I like all three Paldea: Fuecoco
Dracovish to return in the Generation X Pokémon main series video games?
Do you think that Dracovish will return in the Generation X main series video games due to its popularity in competitive play? Why?
What is the current state of Pokemon Bank?
So what's the deal with Bank right now? I've seen some people lament that they don't have access to Bank in reaction to the news that some Wii U games are going back online. But wait a minute, I just moved some shiny eevees and cyndaquils for an Arceus playthrough the other day with no problems.
What are your favorite Pokemon from each region?
My favorite Pokémon from each region: Kanto: Vulpix Johto: Celebi Hoenn: Rayquaza Sinnoh: Lucario Unova: Oshawott Kalos: Fennekin Alola: Lycanroc Galar: Zacian Hisui: Hisuian Zorua Paldea: Fuecoco
Why did Dexit Really Happen?
So, does anyone remember the whole Dexit controversy in Sword and Shield, where they decided that from then on they wouldn't feature every Pokemon in a game ever again? They claimed the reasoning for this was that it would be too much work to update the models for the Pokemon and they wanted to prioritize quality…
Event Tatsugiri Code Doesn't Work
Did anyone else get a code from the recent event that doesn't work?
Can Greavard learn Fire-Type moves?
Hi, I found it odd that although the Pokemon Greavard has a candle on top of its head, it really has shown to not have any fire-type moves? Is is possible for Greavard to gain those Fire-Type moves in the future?
Have you guys played Poképark?
I was thinking of spin-off titles like rangers and conquest, but the two spin off titles that I adore the most is Poképark. It's such a weird concept but works so well as a game. I remember having so much fun with the multitude of mini-games and battles against other Pokémon, not to mention the stunning world they bring to…
Your Favorite: Starter, Game, Legendary and Mythical :)
Here are my Favourites: Starter: the Lizard Pokémon, Charmander! It’s cute and its evolution Charizard does have some fire🔥 Game: Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. I know it’s new and has a ton of glitches, but it’s still an awesome game with an interesting storyline. The soundtracks are amazing! Legendary: Lugia. It has an…
What is your favorite water type (any game)
My favorite water type is Vaporeon