Unite Sprites
Who else thinks that the sprites in Unite are better than the mainstream games? also why not have an option for pixel sprites
What's Your Ideal Mechanic?
Describe your own mechanic for a Pokemon game, in a similar vein to Mega Evolution, Z-Moves, etc. My mechanic is Elemental Channeling, and it ideally would take place in a region where Pokemon battles take place as a one-on-one affair similar to Pokken Tournament. The idea behind the mechanic is that each type is sorted…
Funny Pokemon Screenshots
I don't know why, but seeing Yveltal flopped on the ground in Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon is hilarious to me. If you can't find the image, just scrub through a let's play. There are two instances, both of which are close to the Final Boss.
Does Anyone Else Find this Kind of Hilarious?
So, the Red Chain in Sinnoh mythology is supposed to be this mystical artifact that allows someone to control Dialga or Palkia...but in each of its in-game appearances it never works as intended: Cyrus uses it in Diamond, Pearl, and (presumably, I never played) Platinum, but soon loses control of the Legendary. The player…
what cake would you bake for giratina?
giratina is my favorite pokemon of all time, and i like to think it would like the sweets i would bake for it :) what flavor of cake would you personally bake for it? i would make it red velvet or some carrot cake.
Any of Ancient/Future Paradox Pokémon’s Comeback as in Generation X Pokémon Main Series Video Games?
Do you think that any kinds of Ancient/Future Paradox Pokémon will make their own comeback as in the Generation X Pokémon main series video games? Why?
Arceus: Arc Phone Tells Me "Seek Out All Pokémon" / Can't Catch Giratina
When I play the Azure Flute, my Arc Phone tells me “Seek out all Pokémon”. I’ve beaten Dialga or Palkia (can’t remember which I picked, but I have both now anyway), found all the plates with Volo and then beaten Polo when he turned on me… I haven’t seen the credits, but as far as I am aware, I have beaten the main game.…
What if Pokemon Journeys was one of the video games too?
I would love to see how the Pokemon world is set up, how the regions align with each other and all that. I think there should be a Pokemon journeys game where you start in a region of your choice and have the options to travel to all the different regions and meet all sorts of Pokemon! I know, I sound like Ash, but it's a…
Do you enjoy catching Pokemon?
I do. Which is why it's surprising to me that, despite being the most iconic franchise in the monster collecting genre, that aspect of the games is not as good as it could be. The 2 main components of Pokemon collecting whose improvement I'll discuss here are: tracking progress and displaying your collection. let's be…
How many of you purchased the Pokémon Plus +?
Now that Pokémon Sleep is officially out I'm curious as to how many purchased the Pokémon Plus+ device? I know I pre-ordered the day it was available.