what is the best pseudo legendary
pseudo legendarys are cool and powerful but which is the best personally i looove garchomp but what are your favorites
Where is Poketips?
Does anybody know anything about where he went?
Does Marill count as a Pikachu Clone?
Is Marill a Pikachu Clone? I know it’s not an electric type, but it shares some resemblance to Pikachu. And if Marill isn’t a Pikachu Clone, does Johto have any Pikachu clones?
Most Embarrassing Pokemon Mistakes
In your early Pokemon playing career, what is something you did or believed that you just look back and facepalm about. For me, my first Master Ball catch was a Foongus. I don't really look back on it with that much embarrassment, as I had no real plans on what else to use it on, but it certainly shows how ignorant I was.
How do you respond?
Fantina and klara best girls
You guys always talk about cynthia this or marnie that but these 2 are the real queens
Bad mons can be fixed by giving them Huge Power
Ledian should get Huge Power 252 Atk Life Orb Huge Power Tera Fighting Ledian Drain Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Kingambit: 515-608 (151 - 178.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO It’s over for Kingambit fans
Slower Productions, More Time for Pokemon Game Productions
I looked up the recent news articles as the games are slowing down for the release date. Which, might be a good thing for some serious adjusting for both the Pokemon Games' graphics along with the fact that hopeful artists like me to take advantage of. I can only pray the same thing could be said similar for the Pokemon…
Does eevee deserve a new evolution? If so what type(s)?
All I ask for is a dragon type eeveelution with a mane.
What Pokémon nicknames are you most proud of?
In PMD Rescue Team DX, I named a Gardevoir “Viridi”, after the Kid Icarus character. (It also means green) I also got a Zubat and named it ZuWeeMama