so i'm doing a nuzlocke of the original red (and skipping repeats) and accidentally lost a manky on route 5, then i encountered another manky on route 6 would that count as a repeat?
I think we'll get a release date for teal mask maybe a closer release frame for indigo disk i don't really know what else we could get I hope for a new legends game but it's kinda unlikely.
For me, it's Stunfisk. It's ugly and the Galarian form makes it even worse, but an electric and ground type is a cool concept.
This is fairly self explanatory, but I'm curious. I set this to a discussion so people can talk about it.
Mine is Goomy.
I am doing Gyarados ex for my physical deck and for my Live Deck, Slowking ex/Slowbro.
Man, its new evolution Archaludon is driving me crazy.
I want another entry in the snap series but that probably will never happen again so what else do you guys want?
Pokémon battle revolution was a really fun game from the OG wii console and I have remembered it all this time. from the time when it was released, we were in the Sinnoh region and I thougght they were gonna remake it when they revealed Pokémon legends Arceus and Pokémon BDSP, But it didn't happen. It was an amazing…
My favorite is Pokemon Platinum. The Elite 4 is very hard to beat.