How do i get a dusk lycanrock in ultra sun
I need an answer as quick as possible my sibling wants one and she doesn't respond well to negative responces
My favorite pokemon game
my favorite pokemon game is oras, mainly because I was my first pokemon game, and it also because that was the game my freind gave me a shiny event charzard (yes checked it all over not hacked) I still have that same charzard to this day in pokemon sv with a almost exact same moveset, (who even has hold hands on a…
What is the first Pokémon game you ever played?
My first Pokémon game was Pokemon Ruby which belong to my brother, I was like 3 or 4 years old I didn't understand the Pokémon law. But, when 11 year old me first go into Pokémon the first game I played was Pokémon Y
What’s a Pokémon fact you find interesting or funny?
For me, it’s about Incineroar. Incineroar was based on a “heel” from fake wrestling. A heel is an antagonistic character that exists to be boo’d by the audience. That’s why he’s part Dark type. So it’s pretty much intentional that he’s disliked so much.
Riolu weird color???
For some reason my Riolu is yellow and makes weird animation when I throw it out in battle. Is this a glitch?
Are Sinnoh’s Poffins and Hisui’s Cake Lures related?
A Poffin is a snack you can cook by mixing Berries into a batter. The Pokémon you feed it to can gain more attention from the audience in Super Contest Shows. A Cake Lure is a snack you can craft from a Cake-Lure Base and field ingredients like Springy Mushrooms. The Pokémon you feed it to becomes easier to catch and…
Pokémon anime being confusing
In anime spoink stops jumping In Pokédex if spoink stops jumping it dies
Anyone else like Skuntank as much as I do?
Skuntank is my favorite Pokémon. I like how it can shoot flames and other projectiles out of its tail. Also it's a skunk Pokémon and I like skunks. Anyone wish it had like a signature move or something?
Which Region Should Get a Legends Game Next?
I think Johto or Kalos could have neat Legends games.
just looking for friends who also love them some anime waifus !