I really wish they would ban the top 10 pokemon in usage from last reg
As per the title i wish they would make every reg after reg F banning the top 10 Pokemon. As much as I like to try team building the new toy syndrome is wearing off fast. Showdown isn't what locals will look like but it's a big indicator of what's to come. I don't enjoy going against Fluttermane, torn and urshfiu slapped…
Internet required for snacksworth group quest
Do I need to use internet needing for the group quest? Because I do use the internet for such.
How Did Blueberry Academy Get Its Name?
At the beginning of the Indigo Disk you get the opportunity to ask one of several questions. One of these questions was how Blueberry Academy was named. I however decided to ask why Blueberry Academy is underwater. Now I desperately want to know the answer to the first question.
Poltchageist: Convergent species or regional evolution variant?
with the new Pokemon, Poltchageist making a debut. It almost look like a branch evolution of Sinistea of Sort. All the same, the Pokemon possessing a tea caddie is pretty scary in on its own. Especially with the soul possessing the damaged tea caddie.
(Spoiler Alert...... Event about part 2 of the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet DLC)
What did you think of Terapagos' very Terastal form, I loved it, and I'll say something too, Terapagos and Arceus are two equally strong Pokémon, he's frighteningly strong like Arceus, and I found Tera Type Stellar interesting, but that's it
Elite Trial Flying: How Does it Work for NPCs?
In the Indigo Disk to earn the right to battle Amarys you have to complete a flying trial. Amarys says that with some effort Miraidon or Koraidon can fly, but this can't true of all Pokemon. What if a trainer never caught a Pokemon that can fly? Would they be given a Skarmory to use temporarily.? Would they have an…
What are your favorite Pokémon games? (Updated)
My favorite Pokémon games: - Pokémon Legends Arceus: I love this game so much, the Sinnoh region of the past (in this case Hisui), starting options that I love, regional Pokémon that I love and not to mention that Hisui is very comfortable - Pokémon Scarlet/Violet: I love this game so much, practically all my favorite…
Which Pokémon do you think are the strongest in the world?
I think Arceus, Terapagos, Rayquaza, Mewtwo, Eternatus and Mew are the six strongest Pokémon in the entire Pokémon world
Best way to grind BP? (SV DLC)
What's the best way to grind BP in the Indigo Disk DLC?
How to evolve Milcery in SV DLC?
In SwSh, you had to have Milcery hold a sweet while you spun for a varying amount of time. How do I spin in SV? I got Leon's pose and yet that doesn't work??