Why isn't my gligar elvolving
Its level 61, has razor claw, its night time, I'm at the first dlc (during the festival) so its nighttime. I exp candy, I battled and leveled it up, nothing is working.
The UNITY Club!
Union Circle code here! 0FVFMR , come and get it!
About the Synchro Machine
This feature introduced in the Indigo Disk DLC can work with any Pokémon. So which one are you going to synchronize with first? I'll go with Articuno.
In terms of teambuilding would we be able to use a third party resource as a reference?
What I mean by this is can we discuss smogon tiers and possible team strategies and leave comments in a format that an application may use to create a team?
Re: Ex-Verlisify Fans
To anyone who had once subscribed to Verlisify, what made you unsubscribed and stop supporting him as well as why?
mewtwo portrait frame battlepass
why is the portrait frame still locked i unlocked both of the skins and still no portrait frame even after updating omg its driving me nuts give me my portrait frame
The new trailer for the Indigo Disk
The trailer does contain some spoilers and there's only a week left until the DLC releases, so you can just ignore it if you don't want small spoilers about what happens after (not during) the Teal Mask Spoiler Alert again The someplace existing below Sada/Turo's lab theory has been confirmed! Also I think Kieran's new…
New Pokemon Ideas
I've seen lots of cool ideas for new pokemon and I wanted to start a descustion for them. Here some of my ideas. A pokemon that is made of really hard glass or makes glass A pokemon that is based off of succulents Pokémon like Trevenant but alive with a few verities like an evergreen and willow A sundew pokemon A pokemon…
Bracket #1 Match #10, Pokemon Of The Year 2023: Forums Edition
These are some new evolutions/regional evolution. -Clodsire -Anhilliape -Kingambit -Farigiraf Choose wisely!
Your opinion: Best starter
In your opinion, what is the best starter? Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander, Cyndiquill, Chickorita, Totodile, Treeco, Torchick, Mudkip, Turtwig, Piplup, Tepig, Snivt, Oshawot, Fenikin, hespin, Froakie, Litten, Rowlet, Poplio, Grookie, Scorbunny, Sobble, Sprigatito, Quaxly, and Fuecoco.