Mainline game bracket #11
x Vs Y
daily thoughts on pokemon #25
todays thought on quagsire i don't have strong feelings on quagsire i feel it looks a bit derpy and only has 1 weakness (grass)
How does it works with the ranks on the forum?
i have rank 3, but a few days ago it’s the same rank as @clasingla. But @clasingla posted more than 1000 comments, so i wonder how it works. Also, @Resilient30 has rank 2, but is longer on the forum than me. Can anyone tell me how it works?
Choose your own adventure 54 (accidently 58)
You choose to take the Shieldon. As you leave the town and head to a mountainous route. As you go through the route there is an earthquake. This cause a avalanche that heads your way you send at Shieldon because of its hard head to protect you. As the avalanche come down around you, Shieldon starts to be pushed back. As…
What is better in your opinion Dynamax, Gigantamax or Mega Evolution?
In my opinion Mega Evolution is better.
Question about color on Poltchageist's swirl?
I wanted to know if For the design of the swirl pattern of Poltchageist, is it yellow or golden? Is this also confirmed by the Pokémon Company or the Pokémon Creators though?
Champion voting
we have 3 people running who has the most votes win The runners @UnovanZorua @Josiah2580 @Ravenclawed1234 Vote
What Pokemon should I do in Pixel art?
What Pokemon should I do in Pixel art? I have already done all of the starter Pokemon, both forms of Shaymin, Darkri, Arceus, Mew, Mewtwo, Manaphy, Victini, Celebi, Lugia, Jolteon, Espeon, Eevee, and Umbreon in pixel art.
Gym leader bracket round 3 #8
iris 8 Vs Fantina 26
Mainline f