daily thoughts on Pokemon #26
todays thought is on mienfoo I feel like this pokemon is fine If I had to do a martial arts match against it I would probably lose though I do not know what else to say about this mon
How do I beat Cynthia?
Cynthia is one of the hardest pokemon champs in the game and she destroys all of my team members because of that milotic. How do I beat her?
Pokémon z a day switch u a s 2025 bethann
Which Pokémon would you most like to have in Pokémon Legends Z-A (besides those revealed in the firs
GI would like Skitty to be in the game, to be honest, besides Vulpix and Oshawott, Skitty is a very special Pokémon for me, Skitty is the Pokémon from Hoenn that marked me the most to be honest, and I think that anyway, Skitty has to be in the game, especially since she is in the games Pokémon X and Y, which she can be…
Gym leader bracket round 4 #4
elesa 5 Vs Crasher wake 14
Mainline game bracket #14
ultra sun Vs Ultra moon
Y’all know the flower event in Pokémon go right now
!!! It says Bellsprout is a flower !!! Who thinks Bellsprout who is clearly based a pitcher plant !!! Not a flower !!!
Do you plan to make a version of poke park for Nintendo switch?
What causes a Pokémon to be caught/captured? (Ton of questions here)
By that, I don't mean that a Pokeball/Capture Styler is used. What about the Pokeball and Styler causes it to be caught? If a Pokémon can break out of a ball, what causes it to finally stay in? Does it just give up? If it's trying to break out, what makes it friendly afterwards once it, (IDK which of the following is…
Shadow Lugia
Since the 9th June 2022, James Turner has left Game Freak to form his own game studio. The very first Pokémon he has designed is Shadow Lugia, a form exclusive to Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. If purified, Lugia can learn Psycho Boost and Feather Dance which I'm not sure these moves will be keep when transferred in the…