If you can trade in pokemon s/v pls trade me, I need some of the dlc mons.
Water Type Gym Leader 8
player walks in Tacolaser: You thought you could defeat me, huh? Well in that case, Quagsire use Hydro Pump! Oh wait, I'm supposed to throw the Pokeball. Give me a second please. battle commences: Quagsire, Drednaw, Carracosta, and Dynamax Magikarp with amazing stats. Tacolaser: You defeated my Magikarp?! Impossible!
daily thoughts on pokemon #23
todays thought on revaroom it is interessting the based a pokemon off a car and im also wondering how they get the torque attacks when used by team star how did they do it since revaroom is kinda of a new pokemon i feel its okay
Fairy type move bracket round 2 #7
flour cannon Vs Spirit break
Gym leader bracket round 3 #3
Flannery (23) Vs Valerie (21)
Mainline game bracket #6
fire red Vs Leaf green
Mainline game bracket #5
ruby Vs Sapphire
If the Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door remake has a varied battle themes like The Origami King
Then, I'm hoping the same will be done for the future mainline Pokémon games. Genuinely, it is the one thing I liked the most about Scarlet and Violet. Just listening to the wild Pokémon theme in the Area Zero makes me feels groovy!!
Do you prefer to play Pokemon as the Male or Female characters?
I used to choose the male design but nowadays you get more character customization if you choose the female, I was wondering about you're thoughts
Anyone else think that every game should have a barefoot option?
Like there are Swimmers who don't wear any shoes, some gym leaders and psychic trainers don't either, so why can't we the player?