What Pokemon should I do in Pixel art?

What Pokemon should I do in Pixel art? I have already done all of the starter Pokemon, both forms of Shaymin, Darkri, Arceus, Mew, Mewtwo, Manaphy, Victini, Celebi, Lugia, Jolteon, Espeon, Eevee, and Umbreon in pixel art.
maybe just maybe you should do two pokemon in a same pixel art that are usually paired together like plusle and minun, dialga and palkia, seviper and zangoose, kyogre and groudon, latios and latias, meowstic (female) and meowstic (male), armorouge and ceruledge a nice duo of some sort
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Wigglytuff, but I'd love to see these pictures. can you post them?
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1- I want to see
2- probably the rest of the Eeveelutions so you can have the whole set. Maybe Ho-oh and Cresselia too since you already did Lugia and Darkrai. After that, you could also do the evolutions of starters if you haven't already, or maybe try to draw humans or all mythicals or all legendaries.
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Hey Guys, Thanks! Those are all great ideas!
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it depends on the sprite if I had to say it would be scorbunny scizor and pikachu