g-max finale (alcreamie g-max move) vs let's snuggle forever (mimikyu z-move)
elesa (5) vs liza (33)
heart gold vs soul silver
i do not know. help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
crafty shield Vs Misty explosion
lt surge 25 Vs Cilan 13
diamond Vs Pearl
Morty 34 Vs Allistar 9 The ghost type duel and these are the only representation for their respective generation left
I had received a unite licence chest from the event type of thing, which comes when I play after a long time. So from that chest I selected to get the unite licence of garchomp, I received it and then closed the game, after playing the game again after a few days, today I saw that I did not have the garchomp, and the chest…
So there are trees in area zero but only in one spot (you need DLC for this) go to mesagoza then go behind the academy then fly up and you will see like a testing map of sorts