Pokemon Forums Story Chapter 7 Part 1
On the move again after winning his fourth gym badge, Arlo was searching the route to the next gym, looking for any Pokemon he could battle with Duraludon and possibly add to his team. He knew that he had to have Duraludon cooperate with him, or else they might never form that bond that all the top trainers shared with…
Spinoff bracket 24
puzzle challenge Vs Puzzle league
Spinoff bracket elimination vote
their has been debate of rather legends arceus is mainline or spinoff so to settle if it can continue being in the spinoff bracket we will take a vote for if its spinoff or mainline
Why are Pokemon in SV surprised when you throw a ball at them?
The Pokémon can see you throwing a ball (with a Party Pokemon) at them, then are surprised (? ; they go "!" anyway), then sometimes go "?" or "!" again quickly after. What would surprise them if they already see the ball being thrown at them? Being hit by it? The balls don't seem to hurt them, so is it a quick adrenaline…
Pokémon tournament (week 5)
Pokémon picked by spinning a wheel Zacian VS Heatran
Anyone find any cool shinies lately?
A couple weeks ago I caught a shiny Kyeurum in Alpha Sapphire. It's such a gorgeous color in all three forms, I'm so happy!
Hi there! What is your favorite pokemon that is red white and/or blue
i feel like regice and gengar because literally there changes nothing but i also don’t like espeons shiny, it’s a TERRIBLE color. What are your thoughts?
how can I play
New Pokemon idea
Fairy type so the first design is a humming bird that's pink that has the special ability switch where when used it switches to a dark type king fisher that is grey black and red.