i feel like regice and gengar because literally there changes nothing
but i also don’t like espeons shiny, it’s a TERRIBLE color. What are your thoughts?
Don't forget about garchomp's shiny.
Shiny gengar might be cool to use when legends ZA comes out, since mega gengar is pure white.
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Worst, the word you were looking for was worst.
but yes, any shiny that hardly changes and most that become green are bad shinies in my eyes.
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(Baddest isn't a real word, you're supposed to use "worst")
Blissey's horrible, it's literally just a bit lighter. It evolves from Chansey too, which is a great shiny. And since SV changed the lighting and saturation for everything, shiny Blissey in SV looks like regular Blissey from the 3DS/gen 8 games.
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AND, it's already a Pokémon with lots of light colours, so you wouldn't realise it's shiny unless you have a comparison.
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@Flametix which one: Gen 2's purple one or the modern Gen 3+ black coloration
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i dont think any shinies are terrible, id be glad to have any of them! i want to hunt gengar one day i like its grayish color its marginally better : )
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I’m sorry