Spinoff bracket 18
battle revolution Vs Tcg (for the gameboy)
Which Pokémon are so special to you?
I confess that the Pokémon: Vulpix(Kanto and Alola forms), Fuecoco, Skitty, Oshawott, Fennekin, Mareep, Xerneas, Zorua(Unova and Hisui forms), Pichu, Jolteon, Bulbasaur, Munna, Mew, Cubchoo, Greavard and Ogerpon they are super special Pokémon for me, I confess that the Pokémon Skitty and Mareep are Pokémon that I will love…
Spinoff bracket 17
mystery dungeon rescue team blue Vs Ranger
ok so what pokemon am I tryna say with these 5 riddles
My body's a fortress, sturdy and strong, A steel-type Pokémon that's been around long. I curl up in a ball, a spiky defense, Protecting myself from any offense. My species can burrow and dig in the ground, But in tall grass and forests, I'm often found. What Pokémon am I, this armored creature? A formidable foe with a…
What is Pokemon Legends Z-A about ?
It can be about former king of Kalos region and also mysteries of AZ's floette and the war of ancient Kalos that took place somewhat 3000 years back. It's somewhat shown in X and Y game little bit in a story clip manner .
Round 2 Legendary Pokemon Contest 2
For this round we have… Raiku, the thunder tiger The Diving Pokemono Lugia Plus an additional vote. I forgot to do this one. Latias Latios I like Raiku and Latias more.
Round 2 Legendary Pokemon Contest 1
These were the favorites from the Kanto Region.(Yes, I know Mew is Mythical but it was put in with Mewtwo on accidently so it stayed) The nearly trademark pokemon of Pokémon, MEW The favorite of the bird trio, Zapdos Which do you choose. My favorite is Zapdos.
Changes from typical story pokemon league gameplay
How would you lot intend to make revisions from the typical league gameplay system in the story?
Spinoff bracket 15
explorers of time Vs Explorers of darkness Vs Explorers of sky
Who are your favorite characters from each region?
Kanto: Giovanni Johto: Eusine Hoenn: Maxie and Archie Sinnoh: Cyrus (my favorite character ever) Unova: idk maybe N not really sure. Elesa is fun in Masters. Kalos: not sure though all my Kalos fics have been about Sycamore and Lysandre Alola: Lillie Galar: Rose Hisui: Laventon Paldea: The AIs, I love them so much they…