I think Nuzleaf is a really great villain. His betrayal was a complete surprise
I think Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon is the greatest Pokemon game in the history of the series. I'd love to see a remaster of it made.
For this one we have Legendary Pokemon of the Hoenn and Sinnoh Regions. The Pokemon of Steel, Registeel The Ozone Flying Pokemon, Rayquaza & Heatan, the pokemon born in the magma of Mount Coronet Giratina, the Pokemon of Shadows Mesprit, the Giver of Emotions
Dash Vs Dream radar
what games from the original switch do you recommend?
We all love the unique characters like gym leaders and rivals—but what about the Youngster Joey's and the Beauty Nova's of the world? The trainers who you battle once and never again even think about?
I'd love Game Freak/TPC to do a new Mystery Dungeon soon
Pokémon picked by spinning a wheel Virizion VS Necrozma
Xd gale of darkness Vs Coliseum
Does anyone know how to fix this, I did message pokemon support but they tried to blame twitch then tried to threathen me about not able to contact them in the future