why did red get a new look in heart gold and soul silver
his outfit, hat, and even hair why change it? I always loved the old look he had!
who would win
one billion pokemon or one of every lion
If You Could Bring Pokémon Into the Real World Who Would You Bring and Why?
If you could bring a Pokémon to keep as a fun/cute pet who would you pick? Who would you pick to be good at Pokémon battles and why? And who would you pick to get out of a real life situation?
Which abilities you wished was better?
IMO, Run Away should also let you switch out to another Pokemon instead of just fleeing. For example, Pachirisu is your current Pokemon in battle. Suddenly, your opponent switches for a Pokemon with Shadow Tag or Arena Trap. The Run Away ability could let you switch to a different Pokemon scott-free.
Round 2 Legendary Pokemon Contest 5 & 6
For this round we have the winners for the Unova and Kalos regions. We have… Cobalion, The Leader of the Swords of Justice Landorus, The Guardian of the Fields Zekrom, The Idealist Kyurem, Basic, The Representation of Wuji Now for the Kalos winners Zygarde, 100%, The Bringer of Balance Yveltal, The Bringer of Destruction…
Have you ever lost a Pokémon or your Save file to something? If so, what happened?
I once had a save file of Pokémon X that was very dear to me as it had my level 100 Delphox and Talonflame and even my Mewtwo and Mew. Though one day I lost it, and now I don't have some of those legendaries like my mew and Mewtwo and my beloved delphox and talonflame. I want to know if any of you guys had a fate as bad as…
Oh boy, another Dragapult deck.
Dragapult ex is not fun. No weakness, set up by 2nd turn, and not only does 200 damage but also damage to benched to prevent you setting up anything. It's all anyone is running online and it's boring.
Pokemon Forums Story Chapter 6 Part 2
When Arlo made it to the big city, he started wandering around, looking for the Pokemon Center. The imposing buildings and constant flow of people made him awestruck. Eventually, he found the Pokemon Center, which operated on the lower floors of a skyscraper. “Welcome to Nuevolt City’s Pokemon Center, how may we help you?”…
Returning: ai & older cards?
I used to play trading card game online using the XY evolutions decks against the AI campaign. That was fun. It seems like this division doesn’t care about the aI campaign and seem to focus on player vs player. Is there an AI now and how to access it in live? I imported my XY cards, but is there anyway to use them not…
When am I gonna find a shiny Giratina in oras
753 sr’s and still no shiny.How many soft resets give me better odds?(I don’t have a shiny charm btw)