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Why are Pokemon in SV surprised when you throw a ball at them?

The Pokémon can see you throwing a ball (with a Party Pokemon) at them, then are surprised (? ; they go "!" anyway), then sometimes go "?" or "!" again quickly after. What would surprise them if they already see the ball being thrown at them? Being hit by it? The balls don't seem to hurt them, so is it a quick adrenaline rush or excitement (like being hit with a foam ball)?


  • MajorBrendan
    MajorBrendan Member Posts: 1,478 ✭✭✭✭
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    It depends on whether the player caught it off guard or not.

  • KekleonXD
    KekleonXD Member Posts: 33
    First Answer 10 Comments Photogenic

    they don’t wanna be in the pc box

  • Flametix
    Flametix Member Posts: 545 ✭✭✭
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    if you know someone is throwing a ball at you you still flinch when it hits you in the face