Ex trade
I'm looking for Arcanine ex, Wigglytuff ex, Articuno ex, Gengar ex I have Charzard Ex x1, Venasaur ex x3, Pikachu Ex x1 4891761740712539 Let me know ty
Looking for Exeggutor EX and some 3 diamons
Hi! I'm new here, so basically I'm looking to trade Exeggutor EX, I can offer Gengar or Arcanine EX. I'm also looking for Victribel, Lapas and Articuno (3 diamonds) and Snorlax, Porygon (Full art 1 star) If there's anyone interested please reply to this post and I will share my IDs. Thank you so much in advance ;)
Anyone have a blastoise EX they’re willing to trade?
I have a Zapdos ex or mewtwo ex to offer
Looking for Kabutops
I have many cards to offer let me know what you need Friend ID: 4926795533826047
Wigglytuff Ex
Hi I need wigglytuff ex from Genetic Apex, i can trade almost every EX apart from the ones from the last set (I can only trade Pachirisu). ID: 1990275465483183
have: GENETIC APEX Vileplume Moltres Articuno Jolteon Machamp Golem Dragonite Snorlax MYTHICAL ISLAND Volcarona Vaporeon Raichu Mew Golem Marshadow Tauros
Need 4 star starmie ex
Looking for 3 star vileplume from genetic apex 3 star blastoise 3 star lapras 4 star starmie EX to complete my genetic apex dex. Can trade dragonite alt art/arcanine ex/charizard ex/blastoise ex/poliwrath/3 star machamp and others I have plenty of EX cards and alt art cards im willing to trade! Friend id 1930273109619031
Need Moltres and Magneton
I need a Moltres ex and 2 Magnetons from genetic apex. Lmk what you need. Friend ID 6163-6326-7015-8302
Looking for Shlurp (German Lickitung)
I’ll trade any same rarity
Need Charizard 3 dimonds genetic pack
I have exta mewtwo, ditto, poliwarth 3 diamond Mythical islan: tauros, raichu, marshadow 3 dimonds. IId: 3992353735671409