Need Charizard 3 dimonds genetic pack
I have exta mewtwo, ditto, poliwarth 3 diamond Mythical islan: tauros, raichu, marshadow 3 dimonds. IId: 3992353735671409
I am looking for Blastoise ex, Gengar ex, Gyrados (GA 78 non-ex), Victrebeel, Poliwhirl, Kadabra, and Eelektross. I have several exs available (including Charizard Arcanine, Wigglytuff, Aerodactyl), and many 3 diamonds available. If you have any of the listed cards and are willing to trade it, let me know what you want and…
Need Stonjourner 2 Diamond (Island)
I am looking for a Stonjourner. I have a few 2 diamonds, so just ask if you want
Deleted discussion
I deleted this discussion because of the following reason: No agreement between me and @NoahLaprasForum.
Looking for Mewtwo EX
would anyone have a spare one they would like to trade? :) I would really appreciate it! I can trade you a Pikachu EX, Arcanine EX, Starmie EX, Zapdos EX, or Gengar EX
I need: 040 Arcanine 098 Magneton 109 Eelektross 122 Gengar 159 Kabutops 188 Pidgeot I can offer: Exeggutor / Exeggutor EX Gloom Celebi EX Venusaur promo A Charizard Arcanine EX Rapidash illustration Charmender illustration Salandit illustration Infermipe EX gyarados Articuno / Articuno EX Lapras illustration (ask for more)
Need Meltan and Melmetal
Need Meltan X2 and Melmetal X2. Almost everything available! ID is 2003539133322638
Need Melmetal
Need Melmetal Can give: MewTwo, Magneton, Golem, Ditto, Nidoking, Marshadow, Mew, Tauros Friend ID 2003539133322638
Looking for these 3 Cards :(
Anyone have Venasaur EX, Mewtwo EX And Machamp EX they are willing to trade? :( Its the only cards I need to complete that first collection. 🙏🏽 if there’s a card you’re looking for I’m definitely willing to check to see if I have it.