Deck Re-Order - Feature add
Please add the feature to change the order of the decks :) (e,g, we just created a new deck and it's on spot 15, let us move it to a different spot)
Bug during fight wouldn't let me progress
I had just started a battle against someone who only had a Golbat out. I had a Hitmonlee in the active, and a Kirlia, Ralts, and Sudowoodo on the bench. I had healed up my Hitmonlee with a Potion, but the card animation didn't play. Instead, Hitmonlee healed immediately, and the button to end my turn had disappeared. I'm…
Premium Shop Coins
I’ve found myself 1-2 coins short for some of the promo shop items.. is there a way to purchase more premium shop coins? i’d gladly pay a few bucks to complete a collection but I don’t think there’s a way to do that. if there is will someone let me know? if not- hopefully they make that an available option.. i can’t…
Shaymin Sky Support didn't reduce retreat cost
I encountered a bug which happened when I was about to retreat, while my Shaymin (A2a) was on the bench, the retreat cost doesn't reduced as expected. I had a Raichu (A2a) at the active spot, an Arceus, an Arceus EX and Shaymin (A2a) at the bench. I have a screen recording attached.…
Trading Feature
We need a feature that allows us to view other players wish list for the purpose of trading. It would be nice to see which cards a player is looking for before sending a trade request
Premium Pass Promo Card
I have a suggestion that would be awesome to pass along to the dev team- I have the premium Pass and for the most part feel like it strikes the right balance of incentive and competitive fairness. I don't think the pass should give access to cards that are staples or objectively more powerful. However, I do think the cards…
NidoKing/NidoQueen suggestion
Hey! Thank you for making such a fun Pokémon card game for us! I thought the King and Queen could use a balancing: Passive Ability 'Family Unit' allowing a fully evolved King to have 1 less retreat cost if you have a benched NidoQueen. OR Ability 'Family Unit' NidoKing/Queen may transfer one energy per turn to/from any…
(BUG) AI failing to recognize energy requirements
Stay with me here. Auto battle is ON. I'm playing Celebi ex and Serperior (the one that gives double grass energy to all in the field) and Serperior's energy requirements are 4 to attack, Celebi ex is 2. When Serp has 2 energy on (and the ability is active), the AI will refuse to attack, despite it being able to. Celebi ex…
Rare card trades
I wonder if the crown and 2 star card trade will ever arrive. Does anyone know if any information regarding this has been released?
(Bug) Cynthia does not work on new Garchomp
I used Cynthia on the turn I was about to attack a full HP Darkrai, I did 100 damage instead of the expected 150