Ladder reset still to harsh

I don’t understand why the ladder resets every 4 weeks or so, artificially ruining your rank. I respect there may be an argument for resetting it each new set. But to cull the equivalent of a 20 TO 30 game win streak every few weeks is harsh and illogical. The ladder rank should be an indicator of skill, but you never reach the plateau like with a chess elo due to resets. Counter to that, the rewards ladder only resets every two months. The average player finishes that in one month meaning you play the 2nd month without any rewards.
Similarly, the match matching system needs tweaking, so you only match other players within your league. For example, I’ve been at the bottom of pokeball after a break from the game, yet it still routinely matches me with masterball players, making it harder to get out of the lower leagues than it should (Sounds like a hidden matchmaking rank not your current rank.)
The reset it's needed, but yes it is badly implemented… to me the ladder has so many issues like:
-poor rewards,
-doesn't take in account the opponent points gap,
-has no stats (the game only has all time global stats),
-it's not an indicator of skill (if you play long enough you can finnish it with a win rate way below 50%),
-the monthly reset it's not explained and some tiers reset are not coherent (new players will not understand it unless they search online),
-there is no rank table to compare with other players,
-after finnish it (Arceus) there is no incentive to keep playing on it,
I could go on and on...
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Isn't almost everyone that plays daily ranked at Arceus by now? I finished current ladder last week and I don't even play that much... when you can finnish it with a win rate way below 50% I don't think it can be much lower... for avarage/older players.
But there is the new/young players problem, for them sure the ladder is hard, with unfair matching and gives poor rewards. I totally understand what they mean, that's why a Theme deck like format (with ladder) would be so good.
Btw the rewards are actually trash for all (so many fun things could be add as rewards like a badge system if you finnish the month get the badge, be able to view other players total points per month, compare and so on) but what we get it's boring, after finish there is no incentive to keep play in ranked... and the way it resets it's not explained for sure it's confusing for new players...
I think there is a lot to complain and cry about the current ladder, specially the player's skill level discrepancy ignored by playing in the same ladder without any bonus/penalties.
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@DoubleCure I believe you are speaking from a place of privilege, the average player playing 2 to 3 games a day won’t get close to arceus from 0. If you are an arceus level player, why would you want to be forced to play great ball and ultra ball players every month? Is it not better to run the ladder for longer with higher ranks?
I am in agreement with you if there is no way to rule out player playing people in different leagues that there should be a bonus for beating the player in the higher league. E.g. receiving the higher leagues win rank points,
Having a theme deck format was amazing in PTCGO and could address some “Pay to win” issues for newer players, the problem is the modern level 1 decks now contain V and EX’s I don’t believe they have been balanced enough for a separate format.1 -
@FSJon when I said average player I ment skill wise, like with decent win rate and a bit more games per day then that.
With just 2/3 games per day to me it's basically play to finnish the daily quests, for sure it would be practically impossible to finnish the ladder in one month starting from zero... Btw I played like that too before they changed the ladder points. Actually I never got to Arceus before the points change. not even close 😅
I was considering the avarage player more like me, I play maximum 6/7 games per day, but some days I don't even play at all. And still the 1st time I got to Arceus I started in Houndoom and I didn't found it hard at all, I was more less moving 1 tier per day, except in Mater League it took 2 or 3 days each tier.
In the end I actually agree with everything that you said.
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Ah forgot to mention that a set long ladder without any additional changes it's too long... the current month long ladder it's already boring after get to Arceus, imagine how tedious many players would be. Unless they make changes to keep it interesting for everyone... in the end a ranked ladder it's supose to be competitive.
There are a lot of cool stuff they could add to make it fair and competitive at the same time. My suggestions and others that I have seen here or even get inspiration from similar games ladder would be a great start.