Bug using miss fortune sisters
Cannot pick card when using it! This happen time to time!
Unable to pay retreat cost with Fezandipiti
I have tried it in a few separate games now, to make sure it wasn't a one time thing. When I retreat Fezandipiti from the active, it goes to the normal action screen to select the energy, only it you can't pick any of them. I've tried going pack, searching the discard pile, and then back to the cost screen, but still…
Only won 1 Prize Card for Defeating V-Star
I was recently in a battle with another water deck trainer and at one point we both had a Palkia V Star as our active Pokemon. I defeated his Palkia first and only received 1 prize card. A couple turns later he defeated mine and received 2. I'm not an expert on the game, but is this a bug or could there be a reason why I…
Bug with Iron Thorns ability
Just played a match against a deck with Iron Thorns. There is a clear bug with its ability affecting pokemon like Kirlia, Radiant Greninja etc. I was not able to use their abilities even though they don’t have any rule boxes which hindered match play build up. Why is this happening?
Losing ranking points if game crashes before match starts
I think it is fair to say that the game does not run perfectly. For a (somewhat) new game this is understandable, I guess, as long as it consistently improves over time. But one thing, that is not acceptable, is, that the users have to endure additive negative in-game consquences that result from the bugs, especially if…
Damage Counter placement
Just some feedback since using the new Dragapult EX. Would be nice to have the option to group damage counters or place on just one card vs only being able to drag six counters one at a time. It becomes very tedious very quickly especially when you would only want to damage a single pokemon. Thanks!
Two Year and Still Constant Bugs? Bye Bye TCG LIVE
Hi. I am an avid Pokémon TCG LIVE player, but the bugs in this game has made the playing experience unenjoyable. I play this game more than any other online game, but have now deleted the app both from my phone and iPad because I would rather not play than continue to endure the so-frequent game freezes, energy cards…
What am I supposed to do
Hi I downloaded the game yesterday and after signing in I tried to log in but it says web page not available what am I supposed to do
Candice not letting you select your Water Energy when you don't have Pokemon to select from
When I played Candice it was not letting me select Water Energy when I didn't have Pokemon to select from and my opponent was playing Entei and Slugma. Slugma was on the field after I knocked out their Entei and my opponent Gajabsmsb had no benched Pokemon left. I played Candice after Slugma switched in and Candice showed…
Leafy Camo Poncho is not working Properly
I just don't know how to report a bug. Therefore let me just express my experience. I was playing an Arceus Chansey deck. Whenever Arceus Vstar was on the bench and my opponent tried to gust it out they couldn't gust due to the effect of that tool attached to it. However, they can gust other Pokemon if Vstar or Vmax…