When loading the first game, suddenly another game is loaded, causing the game to hang, and then cou
This happened twice when I got above 920 points in a ranked game. When loading the first game, suddenly another game loaded, causing the game to hang, and then deducting 30 points per game because it counted as 2 losses. Happening twice means 60 points lost. Please fix and return the ranked points
Why has the rarity level of cards in my account decreased?
The rarity level of the card in my account, when opened, reveals that the card has a level that does not match its actual rarity level.
Ladder reset still to harsh
I don’t understand why the ladder resets every 4 weeks or so, artificially ruining your rank. I respect there may be an argument for resetting it each new set. But to cull the equivalent of a 20 TO 30 game win streak every few weeks is harsh and illogical. The ladder rank should be an indicator of skill, but you never…
Cant download TGC LIVE
I cant download the game for windows. it gave me this error: 403 ERRORThe request could not be satisfied. Request blocked. We can't connect to the server for this app or website at this time. There might be too much traffic or a configuration error. Try again later, or contact the app or website owner. If you provide…
Tsarena EX
Had an issue when using Trop Kick on Pokemon TCG Live it healed 30 but did not recover from special conditions. The attack came from Munkidori (Mind Bend).
Frequent disconnection and app crashing
The latest update on 17th June was a disappointment, this game used to be smooth in early of this year but the game seems to start crashing, lagging, and disconnecting so frequently that is like 3 out of 5 games I played are disconnected and auto conceded by system.
Currently rocking the new spice of Regidrago. Currently on Live if I use phantom dive with apex dragon, the attack will do the 200 damage to the active. However when the damage counter option comes up it only allows me to place 30 damage (counters) onto ONE pokemon, 20 damage and 10. So for example if i wanted to do 10,…
Munkidori Retreat Bug
I’m running into an issue where I can’t select the Energy to retreat my active Munkidori when there is both a psychic and a dark Energy attached to it. This has happened three times before, so I am certain this is a recurring bug. Whenever I go to retreat it, the menu to select which Energy type I want to discard appears,…
Is cornerstone mask ogerpon ex supposed to be able to hit farigiraf ex?
played a game and farigiraf ex was able to get damage by cornerstone mask ogerpon ex. Is this a bug or is there a rule I’m not aware of?
Jamming Tower & Hero's Cape
There have been multiple games where I have prioritized getting my Jamming Tower into play in order to negate the effect of my opponent's Hero's Cape and lost those games since Jamming Tower doesn't seem to have an effect on that tool card specifically. Unless I am missing some type of ruling about ACE Spec cards not being…