Game lagged when switching to be my turn causing the game to skip my turn
The game sometimes ends up lagging almost freezing when my opponent ends their turn and it's about to be my turn, the game then takes a minute or so to fix itself giving me less than 5 seconds to play a card making me loose a turn
Boss's Orders stayed on the field and my Charizard EX stayed in some weird area and wouldn't retreat
It would be nice if you could cancel changes in deck editor
Sometimes you want to fiddle with a list, just to see how some potential changes look, potentially saving it if it looks good… but then you fiddle and see you can't fit everything you want - it would be nice if you could just cancel the editing process to return to the list you had before you started editing. Currently…
Solgaleo GX's Sol Burst
Solagleo GX's Sol Burst attack reads: "Search your deck for up to 5 Energy cards and attach them to your Pokemon in any way you like." Notice how it doesn't specify "Basic" energy. Well, the game does and only allows me to attach basic energy. Would love for this to be fixed!
Cards Didn’t Transfer from TCG Online
I tried transferring my cards from TCG online. After saying “transfer complete” I had no cards transfer over. How can this be fixed I had a lot of good cards that I would like to use.
Why can I redeem some items but not others?
I scanned 5 different cards for redeeming. All went through and said I redeemed them. When I reopened the app only one worked. I have a Scarlet and Violet Temporal Forces, Houndoom ex Battle Deck, Melmetal ex Battle Deck, Grafaiai ex Box, and an Enhanced 2-pack Blister: Snorlax, Morpeko, Applin. Only the first Scarlet and…
Bug when reconnecting
Why is it when the internet goes ou or the internet slows down the game reconnects and glitch out like you can press any thing still functional but it just stuck.
Munkidori cant retrieve and cause entire games error
I attached 1 darkness energy and 1 psychic energy to my Minkidori. When I tried to retrieve them, I couldn't discard any energy. After timeout, 1 darkness energy was automatically discarded and I moved my Kirlia into the active Pokemon position. When try to Kirlia into Gardevoir EX, it became Ralts instead. The graphics…
United Wings Ditto Bug
Had Murkrow and flamigo in discard. Couldn't declare an attack with my active Ditto (CRZ TG) with the Sudden Transformation ability with DTE on it. Opponent was a froakie.
Defiance Band bug
Was just in a match and it seems that defiance band isn't working as it's written, and is just giving 30 extra damage no matter what. You're supposed to have more prize cards then your opponent.