Error 15?
I've been trying to start playing tcg live, but after I choose the language it tells me Error 15, and sends me back to the language screen! Help!
Superior Energy Retrieval Bug
I've just played and the Supeirior Energy Retrieval card is pulling the energy from discard.. and putting it directly back into said discard pile, also taking the 2 cards used to 'use' it. 🤦♂️
Why is Mimikyu taking damage from EX?
I don't know why, but when playing rounds today I experienced Mimikyu take damage from EX Pokémon. Am I missing something?
Loading Error: 19018
I can see this error has been encountered before by other players. Looking for any explanation/solutions. please.
Game Freezes with Too Many Energy Attached
When I had either 15 or 16 energy attached to a Pokemon (I'm not sure which triggered it), when I clicked on the pokemon on the bench, it didnt let me exit out of the info screen where it shows stuff like attacks, weakness, and energy attached. Also, the Pokemon and energies were blurry. I had this happen in a game a few…
Can't login
Could you check it out for me
Games keep freezing after the most recent update
I keep ending up in games where my opponent is clearly frozen, or I end up frozen and it’s very frustrating. Just now I got into a game and it said it was waiting on my opponent, and it sat frozen until it eventually gave me the defeat screen and said that I conceded (I did not). This isn’t unique to any one device. It…
Devs can you please add expanded to friendly battles?
It's a joke that you are unable to battle a friend with whatever cards you want
Se pueden pasar cartas no digitales al juego
No lo sé Por favor contesten mi pregunta Por favor
Ditto not working.
Whenever I play the Crown Zenith Ditto, my game absolutely bricks. It seems like the card isn't supported by the game. My turn passes and theres this ghost card now on my bench. Please fix this because it makes my Flamigo deck unplayable.