Game freezes
I'm pretty much setting my board up and and the game freezes on my phone. Instead of having the game recovered, the game forces me to lose.
Webcam isn't working
I am trying to redeem some codes with TCG live using a Logitech webcam (HD Pro C920) and it isn't working, just looping on load.
Neutralization Zone still going after being replaced
Gamestate was as following: My opponent had NZ and a Drifloom with 60 damage as active I replaced Zone with Town Store and switched my active to Mew EX Used Genome Hacking to copy Drifloom's Gust Genome Hacking's Gust did 0 damage to Drifloom Am I missing something or it's actually a bug?
Unfair stamp issue
Just saw a game on stream, where someone was able to use unfair stamp by knocking out their own Pokemon. This shouldn't of happened as the card states it needs to be knocked out by your opponent's Pokemon.
help please...stuck on final bit of tutorial
it wants me to choose 1 benched pokemon to switch the active pokemon but nothing happens when i click???? not sure if this is a bug or not… EDIT: nvm i got it fixed…had to download the mobile app x.x but yeah if this is a bug in the desktop version then uhh yeah…fix it plz?
Why is there no mute emotes option?
Option to mute opponent emotes.
Where is the option to mute my opponent? Game after game after game my opponents BM me by relentlessly spamming the creepy avatar emotes and I am unable to stop it. Why? What can't this be stopped? Make it make sense to me.
Mute Option
Please add an option to mute the opponent so he cant spam with emotes, click on his active pokemon and wait 5 minutes for each turn until my game crashes and i get a lose. Its frustrating.
I really liked your old platform and think the new one is coming along but I'll be 100% honest. I won't play till you create a mute button! I don't want to see immature players hit the thumbs down guy 1000x times during a game! It takes the fun out of the whole game and players and starting to do it more and more! Please…
Raikou Lightning Rondo Bug
I used Lightning Rondo with Raikou to take a knockout with 2 full benches of 5 pokemon, and the Raikou remained hovering over the board. No timer appeared, but Raikou remained hovering over the board and not resolving the attack until turn passed to my opponent, who continued play as if I had timed out and my Raikou was…