Dark mode.
The interface and effects can be blinding, I have to turn on sunset mode just to play comfortably. This can be fixed by allowing users to have the choice of a dark theme.
Avatar animations during battle should be removed.
Might just be me but the amount of people using troll/stall decks love spamming those animations and truth be told, the avatars are not pleasing to look at. It gets really annoying, specially as someone who needs to concentrate, having a little screen with an annoying animation popping over and over and over is just…
A Reset Button for Game-Made Decks
Hey, um, with all of the free decks that were given out, in bundle deals and after key updates, it would be nice if you could include a reset button that resets them back to how they originally were when released. After modifying a few myself, I would like to be able to reset them, and see if I can battle with the original…
Carmine bugged?
I was playing a match against an Ogerpon/Hydrapple deck, and as I was going I noticed that my opponent played Carmine after his first turn. The card text says “If you go first, you may use this card on your first turn.” If I’m wrong please correct me. 😅 Here’s the log: Setup desertrat chose heads for the opening coin flip.…
Remarks for error 10011
On Pokémon TCG Live (PTCGL), error 10011 indicates that you are playing PTCGL in an unsupported country. This error is unrecoverable for now. After I sent a support ticket for the same error, Agent_Zara replied to me: Pokémon TCG Live is available in a select number of regions. Attempting to access the game and any of its…
Automatically logging family member in on my device
My son and I are trying to play a friends match. I will be logged in on my iPad, and then he enters the app on his iPad and it automatically logs him in as me, and then I get kicked out of the app because it says I’m logged in on another device. He logs out (as me) and logs back in as himself. Then I go back into the app…
Area Zero Underdepths bug
While Area Zero is active and having a Tera pokemon, using items that immediately putting pokemon on your bench like nest ball or buddy buddy will not work . I noticed this while having 6 pokemon on bench, while the stadium should allow me to have 8 bench slots.
Iono doesn’t do what it says it should and it cost me a game
I played academy at night and placed a onix card on top of my deck, then played iono to get a new hand since it specified that only my hand would get shuffled and put on the bottom of my deck, however it reshuffled my deck as well not allowing me to draw my onix and causing me to lose out on a devastating attack and losing…
Day 15 Error 10011
I'm still unable to play at all on PC. Initially, I kept quiet thinking they would fix it but seems like there's no other way to raise awareness. I hope to find people with similar issues - please let me know if you have in the comments below. Tried all the "solutions" provided but can't resolve it. Doesn't make sense…
Error 15 Pokemon TCG Live windows application
I tried contacting the support about this supposed bug I'm having but I only got the automated response ( I'm guessing ) after 24 hours which ignored completely everything I just had written and gave me ''solutions'' that I had expicitely said I had tried in my request. So I'm now asking fellow players that might have…