fire weakest
Anyone notice how fire types aren't getting the bonus to damage against grass anymore? At least not moltres or arcanine. Probably explains why the teal dance decks are doing so well.
Issues with Timburr & Buddy-Buddy Poffin
Timburr can not be searched from the library.
TM Devolution Error
I just used TM Devolution on turn 6 of a battle. My opponent's board state was the following: 2 rare candied Charizards; 1 rare candied Pidgeot; 1 Charmeleon; 1 Pidgeotto; 1 Manaphy. It devolved everything except for the Charmeleon. It started to make the animation like it was going to, but then it just skipped it…
Noctowl not working since 2 days
Since yesterday in some games the moment I evolve Hootot into Noctowl I cannot use his ability, as if he is blocked by some ability of the opponent, which is not possible because in front of me I had a Venomoth MEW 49. Do you know if this is a bug or am I doing something wrong? Thanks!
Muting emotes
Hi, I really think players should be able to mute emotes sent by the opponent. They’re distracting, and are only ever used by toxic players to let the opponent know that they’re angry.
Pokemon TCG Live Bug/Error/Frustration
Hi everyone, I'm unsure if Pokemon Company reads these forums but I was wondering what is the best way to reach out and get a response about the mobile version of Pokemon TCG Live? I have been trying to get it tow work on my Google Pixel phone and Tablet (both which far exceed the system requirements for this game) but…
Anyone else think it's kind of rigged to get the crystals in the Pokemon TCG live?
Anyone else think it's kind of rigged to get the crystals in the Pokemon TCG live? Because it isnt possible to get them in the free pass, and only possible way to get them currently is either to get the pass which you cant get because you cant get crystals or just suffer
Game got stuck after hitting two energy off of Electric Generator
I used Electric Generator and found two energy, when I started to select the energy to attach the game got stuck with an energy floating on the playfield. I could interact with other cards so the game wasn't frozen, but I couldn't attach the energy and had to concede the game because I couldn't take any actions. Very…
Elite trainer box codes
Scanned in a few elite trainer box card codes. redeemed them successfully but it didnt let me open anything and i cant find anything in TCG Live or any help on where the rewards for redeeming went to. Please help!
Not able to attack
I had a Raikou V fully charged and ready to attack a Bidoof the one that wouldn't receive damage or effects if sitting on bench) but by some reason the game wouldn't allow me to attack. Would like to make it clear that there wasn't any stadiums or effects on that would not let me attack and it was the second turn of the…