Accompanying flute breaks
I have tried using accompanying flute and sometimes I am unable to select a valid Pokémon choice. Example was in my match against user DiegoBremen I played the card and attempted to select the call for family pidgy from the viewed cards and it would not move to the selection area despite being highlighted in blue as a…
Ditto Bugged on Pokemon TCGL
Whenever Ditto is played to the bench, the game freezes, and the ability cannot be used.
How to see alt art Pokémon ex and use them in a deck
whenever I try to make a deck I can not see the alternate art cards I get from the battle passes
Why is there even the option to remote and if you insist on keeping it in, why isn't there a way to mute the emotes of your opponents? The literal only thing it does is promote toxicity and nothing else at all. I don't understand the idea behind it
Twitch drops not showing up
I obtained a bunch of twitch drops a while ago for Pokémon tcg Live app and when i logged on i received none of them. I wasn't sure until I realized I don't have the Mewtwo. Did this happen to anyone else? Can it be resolved?
Ditto From PGO Still Broken
I was trying to build a deck using Ditto with the Sudden Transformation ability, and unfortunately the card still breaks the game. I was hoping that Monday's update addressed this issue, but it did not.
Why doesn't my pokemon TCG log in?
I put in my correct username and password, hit the login button, and it turns gray and stays that way.
[Suggestion] Remove Timer When Playing Matches Against Friends
The timer is already ridiculously short in matches versus opponents, but I can live with that. I wish that when I challenge friends for a friendly match that the timer could be removed, or we could at least have the option to remove a timer. There's no need to rush in a friendly match. :/
Option to turn off turn limit timer in a friendly game
hi is there a option to turn off the turn limit timer when playing with with a friend.? My son really wants to play me but he does not like to be rushed it's really hard to show him his options and get him to learn the game when it's a all on a time limit. If there is not a option could one be added in a future update.
Blissey Ex with Heavy Baton didn't work
I was playing a match with my Blissey Ex while a Heavy Baton was attached, and when it got knocked out by damage, the Basic Energies didn't go to my other Pokemon on the bench! No other effects were happening, so what happened? Has anyone else had this issue?