[Bug] Computer Search shows up in the Pokemon section instead of the Trainers section
I almost had a heart attack thinking my Computer Search didn't transfer on here. I eventually copied a deck to my clipboard and it showed up in my Pokemon tab. Sorry if this was said before.
Daily challenges need work - Feedback
Right now challenges like knock out 2 vmax are frustrating. You have no control over whether someone has them. Beyond that, the frequency of someone conceding when you do knock out a vmax is absurdly high. It is half the prizes in the game after all. If they concede as you attack this doesn't count. We either need…
What's going on with the Beta?
I feel like we had a sudden burst of info from the devs like a week and a half ago and now I haven't heard anything from them or seen any app updates or server maintenance since then. There's definitely still a lot of things that need to be addressed like matchmaking issues, bugs with selecting cards (e.g. like when you…
General Impressions Pokémon TCG Live
*As suggested by TPCi_CursedSoup, I'm posting it here for the team to see too. Again I would like to congratulate the entire development team for renewing the Pokémon TCG with the arrival of Live - I really admire your work! After having had the opportunity to know a lot about the new Pokémon TCG Live Beta, I'm leaving…
Feedback on XP in game
So my biggest issue right now is how XP for your character and season pass is implemented. Bug aside as everybody has reported them numerous times. This is my biggest issue in the BETA. The reason why this is an issue is if an opponent concedes before I defeat one of their pokemon right now I barely get any xp towards my…
Can't see name of a active or benched Pokémon when clicking on it once in a match
The title describes it. Especially for somone who doesn't know all the Pokémon names, it's a MUST to be easily able to see it without going through multiple menus. One needs to be able to think the names of the Pokémons in their head when strategizing.
Thoughts on Pokemon TCG live's PvP arena look
I hate how the new client has benched cards be partially shown. It diminishes the "bling" aspect of deck building. Both the bench and active cards are also very small while the avatars are massive. The avatars take up too much space on the screen while there is too much negative space on the field. the cards should be…
General Impression, rough edges, and other concerns of PTCGL
Hello! My name is Clear. I have played PTCGO since 2016, and so far I am pleased with what I see, but there is some things that I really cannot overlook, and they should be addressed. Keep in mind, I have been primarily been using mobile version, so I also will chip in a few opinion on the PC versions. Positives: Cards…
[Bug] Energy not showing
Hello, It happens at many instance where the energies that I attached on my Pokémon simply doesn't appear. Because of that I often think I don't have enough energy to act so I skip my turn. Thank you
Searching for match
Is there going to be a patch where it actually allows me to find a match in tcg live? Tried constantly over last 2 days and have found one Also will our EX cards be able to migrate over? those were all my favorites