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Matchmaking is broken again

TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
2500 Comments Second Anniversary 500 Agrees 250 Likes


Can you please just take the servers offline until you find a permanent fix? Only being able to play the game 3 days per week is really annoying.


  • NeptuneShaun
    NeptuneShaun Member Posts: 19
    5 Agrees First Answer 10 Comments
    edited August 2022 #2

    Yeah, thus is becoming increasingly more difficult to play. The games are getting further apart now and taking alot longer.

    Can you not look at global release to try and reduce this issue down a bit whilst you fix other issues for now.

  • NeptuneShaun
    NeptuneShaun Member Posts: 19
    5 Agrees First Answer 10 Comments

    Yeah, it's getting quite annoying now, not being able to play any more as the games are slowing down more now.

    Maybe global release the game whilst you fix other bugs to try and mask this one a little more.