Occasionally cannot use cards from hand or abilities

Was just playing a game where I would have won if this didn’t happen. I couldn’t play any cards from my hand (an ultra ball, two evolution incense, and a professor’s research) except for the energy I had gotten that turn from Training Court. I also couldn’t use my Bibarel’s industrious incisors ability. I was one hit away from winning and I couldn’t get it because of this bug.
I’ve also been noticing that Choice Belt is not adding damage to my attacks, it did once in the few games I played.
I should note that my opponents did not play cards or have any abilities in play that prevented me from playing cards from my hand or using abilities, or the use of my tools.
I have had this issue for two nights in a row, I hope the maintenance tomorrow addresses this.
May I ask what deck you were playing? People have been experiencing a similar bug for months with the Lucario BRS deck that uses Cinccino SSH to draw cards. Almost all draw and search cards become unplayable when the deck is at a low size.
Maintenance will not fix the bug.