Blaziken V-Max forced to attach an energy, when the attack says "up to 2"
lost to a deck where they did damage times number of special energy attached because the attack that should let me choose 0-2 energy to attach made me attach an energy, even if I waited out the timer.
Unresponsive match
For the third time since 12/6 update, when opponent is using an ability to move energy, the game "Freezes". Really it just doesn't progress, the poke mon remains to the side, music playing, animation continuing, all cards are still interactable, and both players can still communicate through emoji. However, when player…
Powerful Energy Doesn't Apply Effect To Some Pokemon
I've noticed that powerful energy doesn't add the +20 damage when it's attacked to my houndoom V but it does to most of my other pokemon
Game freezes when using energy abilities
Anyone else having trouble with certain abilities causing your game to freeze. When I'm using shadow rider calyrex vmax to put an energy from hand to benched pokemon my game locks up and if it does eventually unfreeze my energy card just disappears.
Pokemon Live is Busted right now
Hey Pokémon Live is fun to play when you can play. Sincerely, "Someone who wants to play" No for real I can't play it keeps freezing up every 3-5 games someone please help!
State of ptcg Live
The state of this game is unacceptable. These aren’t just steps backwards it’s literal strides backwards. Not only does the whole client look bad compared to ptcgo you can’t even get cards to work properly on it and now it’s the update it’s completely unplayable in its current state. Also something no one is talking about…
Password on Login
On Mac version, (haven't tested PC version). I have to put in my password each time. Shouldn't the app remember my password on subsequent logins? Or could there be an option to save password?
Roll back the update
You need to roll back this beta update and fix these basic errors. It’s practically unusable in this current state. The previous version worked better. I know it’s a public beta. But these errors shouldn’t be this bad in a public beta at this point.
Timer Issue dont allows me to play my turn
Hi! I´m having this issue where the Timer starts the countdown of my turn before mi opponent´s turn ends, which just give me a few seconds ( 2-3 sec almost every time) to make my moves and sometimes im enabled to play someting because the timer runs out of before i can draw a single card of mi deck.
Damage Pump
Since the update from 6 december works the damage pump for moving damage counters not always. 9/10 i can do nothing and my time is running out. Not ideal for a Hisuian Zoroark Vstar deck