Code Packs gone after game crash
I was redeeming some codes and looks like TCG Live does not like opening too many because the game crashed. Just froze up with the music still playing for over half an hour. I force closed the game only to come back to noting new in my inventory. Thats two sylveon box sets from evolving skies were gone and 7-8 boosters…
Stuck in attack animation, timed out
I had just used painful spoons to move some damage and then attacked with dedenne. My card was stuck in the air and I did not attack, instead timing out on my turn. I had not disconnected, as my opponent was then allowed to continue with their turn. My card remained stuck until they knocked it out on their turn, at which…
Error "10010" Randomly.
I played LIVE quite a lot and enjoyed, but one day I logged onto Live and on the starting screen it popped up a message that Pokemon TCG Live could not be loaded. I am in the UK which is now a beta authorised country, because I have been told 10010 is to do with location error, but I am in the right country. Lists of…
Arceus V and VSTAR
When using Trinity Charge or Trinity Nova, the game is not allowing me to attach any of the energy I pull from my deck to Pokemon V I have on my bench. It shows the cards I pull, but I can't do anything until the turn timer runs out, and then it attaches all the energy to Arceus (WHO DOESN'T NEED IT!!!)
Multiple attack-related bugs
The game has become completely unplayable, it seems. My opponent's Blissey V landed Blissful Blast but was unable to attach energy from the discard. They appeared to be stuck until the turn timed out. I attacked with Zekrom VIV 60's Wild Shock, but the card animated to the right and nothing happened. It was stuck there to…
Retreat bug that opens hand selection
I lost a very close game I was about to win after I retreated and instead of giving me the option to select my bench pokemon it opened my hand and then never closed it...
Zekrom and Flaaffy are bugged too
Using Zekrom's wild shock attack causes the game to freeze and pass turn to the opponent. Same thing happens when using flaaffy's dynamotor ability. Deck has become unplayable post update.
Damage Pump bug
Damage Pump seems to have a bug were it doesnt show the damage to be move and just show your hand. It wont let you move damage or stop using the move. so you have to wait or concede.
Zigzagoon effect doesn't work
In the first game when i open the game, i can play galarian zigzagoon swsh 117 and use his effect. In the next game, when I play galarian zigzagoon i don't have the option to put the damage counters in the other pokemons.
Can't place damage markers
the error occurred with Inteleon and zigzagoon