Lucky energy occasionally triggers multiple draws
I have had it a few time now that a single lucky energy attached on my blissey V triggered multiple draws. This does not happen often, but it does happen occasionally. When it happens the amount of extra draws varies from 1 extra to 3 extra draws. It does seem that after it happens the first time in a game, the chance of…
"There was an issue loading POKEMON LIVE TCG..."
"There was an issue loading POKEMON TCG LIVE. Please try again. ERROR CODE: 10010" Game was working just yesterday, now I get this on main screen when loading up. Tried reinstalling, same error. Send halp.
Obstagoon Bug
Bug: Obstagoon (037/073) hovers over board indefinitely, unable to be interacted with. How to reproduce: Play Obstagoon's ability when the opponent has exactly 4 cards.
Unable to retreat after using lost vacuum.
Was in game, started the turn with a Manaphy (BRS 41) as the active Pokemon with an air balloon (SSH 213) attached. Opponent had an Arceus VSTAR (BRS 123) as the active with a tool jammer (BST 136) equipped. I used a lost vacuum (LOR 217) on the mentioned tool jammer and attempted to retreat the manaphy and was unable even…
137 code card packs GONE
I redeemed them all, 10 at a time, all at once. (100 at 6 pm est and 37 a few hours later) I still have all the codes in a spreadsheet. NONE of them showed up, none were added to my collection (no silver tempest card count went up, and i only had a few from ST anyway) and I am really upset. I paid a LOT of money for the…
Battle VIP Pass is bugged
It will not allow you to click to the select the first pokemon alphabetically if there are 2 in your deck and at least 1 in play.
Migration rewards missing.
I had over the 125+ unopened packs on my account that I got specifically for the tcg Live migration. I migrated and have my other cards, but only 6 thousand crystals instead of the 12k that the FAQ about migration says I should recieve.
Timer begins counting down before turn can be interacted with
The turn timer is running down as soon as the opponent finished playing, even if animations have to play which can result in the timer being 0 before the animation for drawing a card from the deck plays (this occured from Inteleon placing damage counters while also triggering Lucky Energy, either of these combined with the…
Glasses Opacacity resets
As explained above the oppacity of the glasses is ressetted after every match Also the battle pass button is buggy and sometimes doens't work Another point to make is that if a player times out the game continues infinitnely
Choice Belt Not Always Applying Bonus Damage
I mostly play Mew VMAX, and I see this come up on occasion. I don't know if it is the interaction between choice belt, double turbo energy, and power tablets (and Oricorio being on the field sometimes), but I have noticed multiple occasions where the additional damage from choice belt isn't applied correctly. Wanted to see…