I just lost 120 rank points randomly
This bug is irritating me to no end. I just lost 120 rank point. As I searched for a match, the cancel button continuously would disappear and reappear. When I finally decided to hit the cancel button after 5 or so occurrences, the game froze. I then proceeded to restart the app, and I found that I dropped by 120…
What kind of in game compensation for the energy attachment bug?
I’ve been forced to concede matches or force quit the app literally dozens of times since the last update. What sort of in game compensation can be expected for those of us who have been so significantly impacted by this critical error?
lost points in ranked mode after win
Here's a bug that's new to me! I won a game in ranked mode (my opponent conceded with two prizes remaining when I took a Luminion off of a Quick Ball). I got the confetti screen and saw my avatar pose, but then on the rewards screen I received zero coins, XP, and ladder points, and -10 rank points. My profile confirms that…
When you are selecting first basic pokemon in battle
a few times it has happened where I click ok by accident instead of putting my basic pokemon in the active at the start of a battle. If I do this it takes a long time before the system puts an active pokemon in for me. the ok button should or done should be blanked out until you have selected pokemon or something to avoid…
Is Lugia with Archeops overpowered?
Lugia on its own without Archeops is a great card, summon any 2 colourless pokemon to bench these could be cards like arceus for example or togekiss vmax etc.. But with Archeops is simple got an insane turn 2. You got first with Lugia you can hit for 300 TURN 2 (using powerful energy). That will knock out any pokemon your…
Fusion Strike version of Mew Vmax is broken
It is clear that the fusion strike energy version of Mew is breaking the game, it has for almost a week now. We need a ban on Fusion Strike energy until it is fixed.
Game hangs in common matchups
Seems that nearly every match against the Mew VSTAR deck ends up hanging and I have no option but to concede the game/exit the app. These hangs also seem to happen with Lugia/Archeops although not as often. The common factor seems to be cards/abilities that fetch energy from the deck. It's making it hard to get anywhere on…
Glasses keep changing after every battle.
the glasses on my avatar kept getting dark after every game. I keep going back and changing them every time.
Energy cap bug?
I usually play with a deck centered around rayquaza VMAX and managed to legally get 16 energies on one. I had the win in the bag when out of nowhere, I right click my beautiful rayquaza to count all the energy to see how much damage I'm about to do and the screen won't let me go back to the board and attack, I'm stuck…
Game Timer
I’ve seen a few things about it on here. Anyone else had an experience with the clock going all the way to zero and you still lose. Is it just new vmax. It’s happened to me on more than one occasion.