Retreat bug that opens hand selection
I lost a very close game I was about to win after I retreated and instead of giving me the option to select my bench pokemon it opened my hand and then never closed it...
Zekrom and Flaaffy are bugged too
Using Zekrom's wild shock attack causes the game to freeze and pass turn to the opponent. Same thing happens when using flaaffy's dynamotor ability. Deck has become unplayable post update.
Damage Pump bug
Damage Pump seems to have a bug were it doesnt show the damage to be move and just show your hand. It wont let you move damage or stop using the move. so you have to wait or concede.
Zigzagoon effect doesn't work
In the first game when i open the game, i can play galarian zigzagoon swsh 117 and use his effect. In the next game, when I play galarian zigzagoon i don't have the option to put the damage counters in the other pokemons.
Can't place damage markers
the error occurred with Inteleon and zigzagoon
Blaziken V-Max forced to attach an energy, when the attack says "up to 2"
lost to a deck where they did damage times number of special energy attached because the attack that should let me choose 0-2 energy to attach made me attach an energy, even if I waited out the timer.
Unresponsive match
For the third time since 12/6 update, when opponent is using an ability to move energy, the game "Freezes". Really it just doesn't progress, the poke mon remains to the side, music playing, animation continuing, all cards are still interactable, and both players can still communicate through emoji. However, when player…
Powerful Energy Doesn't Apply Effect To Some Pokemon
I've noticed that powerful energy doesn't add the +20 damage when it's attacked to my houndoom V but it does to most of my other pokemon
Game freezes when using energy abilities
Anyone else having trouble with certain abilities causing your game to freeze. When I'm using shadow rider calyrex vmax to put an energy from hand to benched pokemon my game locks up and if it does eventually unfreeze my energy card just disappears.
Pokemon Live is Busted right now
Hey Pokémon Live is fun to play when you can play. Sincerely, "Someone who wants to play" No for real I can't play it keeps freezing up every 3-5 games someone please help!