PTCGO is incredibly broken

Okay so I decided to grind ranked with my Zoroark-Jirachi deck. I played 7 matches today and was able to finish two of them.
1. I was against a Mew Vmax deck and the game crashed after my opponent put a rainbow energy to his active Mew. No timer or anything, animations still worked but the match just broke
2. I got a shadow raider Calyrex vmax against me and it crashed on turn two when my opponent decided to switch Cresselia out of active spot. I saw a 15 second timer on the screen every minute, but nothing happened. We kept using the useless emotes but the match just broke
3. This was against another Mew Vmax and the same thing happened. Only this time he used the rainbow on Mew Vmax rather than normal
4. This match actually started well and we both had only 2 prices left. Opponent played Lugia and I was about to KO it with Raichu. He used Arceops ability to search for energy and the match froze again. We kept spamming emotes until his timer went out, and nothing happened
5. This was some short of Giratina Vstar deck. Propably lost box hybrid. I played Wailord deck that uses radiant Greninja. Once my opponent used their Vmax ability the match crashed again
Every single match I waited for the 25min timer to 0 and nothing happened. It kept blinking red and the game just froze. I could not even concede myself out of the game. This happened in every single match and when I restarted the game, I LOST POINTS BECAUSE OF THE CRASH. Shame on Pokemon for putting out this broken ass game. There is no reason to play and waste your time with TCGL when TCGO is functioning at least
Here some screenshot proof from the Mew V match