4 out of 5 game drops why?
Hi there, just attempting to report that while playing in ranked Im currently experiencing between 80%-90% glitch out games. These include; failed to join, timed out from inactivity, frozen after card was played, frozen when attaching energy, and frozen on prize select. I realize that you cant reduce the point loss for it…
Deep Forrest Camo not protecting correctly
There appears to be a bug where Decidueye (swsh3-13) is able to still take damage from certain attacks from pokemon-v that perform attacks that make the attack less direct than usual. There are two cases of this happening that I have run into, such as: Any Regidrago-V Star Apex Dragon attacks. This includes attacks chosen…
Echoing Horn knock out bug?
I just finished a game where I was playing a Zoroark deck. My Hisuian Zoroark used Doom Curse on enemy Blissey V and succesfully knocked it out. During my next turn I used Echoing Horn to pull the same Blissey V from their discard pile and it was instantly knocked out. No animation, but I guess the H. Zoroark's Doom Curse…
Brilliant stars Trainer/full art Cards showing up as 5th card
These should be Eevee full art and Cynthia's Ambilition full art trainer from Brilliant stars set.
Lost Credits but card was not recieved
I purchased a Radiant Charizard which costs 600 credits. It said Exchange failed but my credit amount decreased from 790 to 190 and did not receive the radiant Charizard
Elesa's Sparkle + Trinity Nova + Vitality Spring + Primal Turbo + More
Search deck for energy to attach repeatedly causes game hangups. Elesa's Sparkle in Mew VMAX is almost 100% game hang up / times out, Vitality Spring is also near 100%, Arceus is 50/50, Lugia is more like 20%.
what is going on pokemon, frustrated
its disappointing that I've had to create a new/old pokemon tcg online account to play, as live is full of bugs. and online organised tournament play also still mainly uses online. little noise was made about the release of pokemon live, as a keen online player I dint even know about it until a week or so after it was…
opponents timer runout
i dont think its a bug in the game. this has only happened to me every time i was winning. every single time.
Bugged Talonflame V
Talonflame V's Fast Flight attack now only draws you cards if you successfully discard at least 1 card from your hand.
Losing Points & Crashing
1) I dropped from Alakazam to the very bottom of great league! That’s over 200 points. This happened after the game crashed during a game. 2) the game keeps crashing when I’m playing against the Mew deck. so frustrating to see all the work I’ve done just wiped