Feedback: Victory string is too small on desktop & more
As I said im playing on a 1920x1080 monitor and using the GG Victory string and I can barely read the text, it's about 2/3 of an inch on my screen, at least have some automatic font upscaling for the text box.
I don't particularly appreciate having to enter the menu to close the application, I understand for mobile builds this would be an issue but you are able to update the versions separately so I would heavily suggest adding an exit game button to the home menu.
I also have no clue why you would have a delete account button inside of the app, that seems rife for accidental click-throughs and unnecessary heartache, anyone who can sign up should close their account through the website for security's sake.
opponents searched cards go by the screen too fast and are unable to be clicked on to be enlarged, if you are not going to let us see when they are searching at least give us a revealed cards page so we can keep up with what our opponent is searching for instead of giving us 3/4th's of a second to figure out what card they got.
Have pokemon tools and energy be readable from their popup icon.