Game won't load past login
I'm sorry if this has already been posted about before but I didn't look! How come I cannot play the game? When I log in to the game it won't update past 7 or 8 files outta 58. I tried to reinstall it. It still won't let me logon. Is this a game bug or is my account somehow like, broken... idk. help!?
Error : 10097
I am having this error on all my devices, however my friends have no issues. Appreciate any suggestions on what is happening. thank you!
Any card collection page?
There doesn't seem to be any page (other than creating a new deck) to see my card collection and even then I need to remember alt art cards I own and then switch to it in the available tab to see them and due to them not appearing in the set lists in the store I can't check what I own or even see what alt arts are…
This game is unplayable in laptop!!
I can´t play in the laptop, but I can in android... the worse problem in laptop is that the game freezes when I play a card or get a prize, the cart stays in the center and I cannot do anything other than surrender. Another problem is that cards that search, like quick ball or ultra ball do not find any "targetable" card…
Using ability on turn one works with AI not with live player
I noticed that my Radiant Blastoise was able to use Pump Shot ability on turn one if I played against an AI player but during a game with a live player it would not activate on turn one. Anyone else had this experience with abilities on turn one. PS I am referring to a situation where I went first.
Pokémon TCG LIVE Bugs
I couldn't delete my Zacian deck, although it's not my active deck, which is the Arceus deck actually. I believe it has something to do with the blue mark on the Zacian deck. Thank you for the help!
[Bug, macOS] Always logged out of the game when re-starting the client
Since the latest update on macOS (V. I constantly get logged out of the game after closing the game. Upon restart I always have to enter my account credentials again. Before the update this wasn't the case, I stayed logged in.
Had a bug where I can't play certain cards.
Start of my turn and couldn't play energy. Happened 4 turns in a row. Also couldn't play stadiums for a couple turns. Happened with fusion strike, double turbo energy, and path to the peak.
Diancie’s Hability not working
Hello! I was playing with my regidrago deck, then after put my diancie on the active spot, the hability should stop my opponent from make anything to my other Pokémon’s with the effect of any support, but the guy just used a boss order like the hability wasn’t there. There wasn’t any disruption or anything that could…
Server Error 42055
Today I tried to have a match against a friend but it would keep redirecting me to the deck select screen, and when I'd click cancel to try to maybe give it the classic "kick the computer (in my case, phone) to fix it" method, I kept getting "Server Error 42055". Had a good internet connection, both of us rebooted the game…