Placing Damage Counters

Anytime we have an attack that requires placing many damage counters on different pokémon (for example Mimikyu Vmax Omnious Number),we have a selection of 10-20-30-40 damage counters and we have no choice to place the token on the same pokémon. On the original TCGO, we could place 10 damage counters one at a time however we want, but now we have no choice but to place them on package of 10-20-30-40. It would be better if it was like before, when we could asimply place the 10 counters one at a time and not bundled in 30 damage tokens. Hopefully we can make it as before!
It would be nice if PC users had the option to replace some of the dragging with a click instead.
-promoting a new pokemon
-placing damage counters (automatically use the smallest/leftmost stack)
-choosing targets for bench damage
-promoting the opponent's pokemon off of boss's orders
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Hi there, Trainers! Thanks for the feedback. If you have any other ideas please share them here so we can try to deliver them to the development team.
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