App auto logs out after downtime
The app logs me out every time there’s maintenance and even if I fill The password and username it won’t let me log in, can this be fixed please
Troubles with the "Test Deck" AI
hello! i have some feedback on the AI used for testing your deck builds. the main issue ive been running into is the lack of actual battling the AI does. i've used the "test deck" feature about two dozen times and nearly every battle ended because the AI would just keep drawing cards until it ran out. the first time or two…
Game getting stuck before coin flip
Over the last few days I've had multiple matches hang at the beginning, in the "waiting for [user]" phase before they even call the coin flip. This has been happening every handful of matches, sometimes even the literal first match I try after restarting the client. I would be inclined to guess it's some form of desync but…
Can an "Are you sure?" message be added to "Confirm Exchange"?
Just accidentally bought a tier when I hit confirm exchange button on mobile. This was from a finger slip trying to close the window and while I know it says "confirm" that's just not what the button is doing, it's initialising the exchange, a second window would need to confirm. I can live with the 200 crystals lost but…
Capture Energy
While searching for a basic, I was shown all my basics but not able to choose Chansey V which was the first card in the stack.
Leaderboard Issues
Absolutely godsmacked by the response I received from support after 3 days... Do they even read your comments? I just want to know why I am not appearing on the leaderboard!
Bug in game with Hiding Darkness energy and Temple of Sinoh
When Temple of Sinoh is in play and my active pokemon has Hiding Darkness energy attached the pokemon's retreat cost shows as free. When I select to retreat, the card is stuck floating as if the game is waiting for me to select a new active pokemon. I am unable to cancel the action, or select a new pokemon and I'm forced…
How do I take a turn?
I am not sure how I am supposed to play the game when it is giving me a 10 second timer before I even get to draw a card. I have to rapid click a card into play even if its not what I want just to extend the turn and sometimes that cant even happen. this only happens when I play on PC.
Fix the shuffling mechanic
The rng on the shuffling is beyond stupid. Tell me how I can go on 15+ streaks every second day then every other day I'll go maybe 4-5 wins out of 15 at the most. Over a period of a few days to a week I'd understand but I've been migrated since last July and this has been a noticeable pattern for 2-3 months or more.
Why is double dragon energy not in the game??