This game its a garbage - DO NOT MIGRATE ACCOUNTS!
Be aware of migrating your accounts from Pokemon TCGO into this game. Since i moved i wasnt able to play single match. Every time Item cards shows at the start of the game they simply stuck and nothing its happening (MewV deck, Zacian & Zamazaneta deck and so on)! Also i cant test mine decks - after clicking at "Test Deck"…
I miss non-meta-battles
In PTGCL I feel very pressured to use some meta-deck or another because without it I will be demolished by absolutely everyone and their grandma. I migrated from PTGCO and had fun with basic pokemon and their evolutions but here with only v, vmax and whatever else pokemon I dont have fun playing. I wish there were some…
own timer counted down on opponents turn
The timer that tells you to end your turn counted down during the coin flip and then even during the opponents turn so i couldnt even play a card before my turn was ended. unbelievably frustrating
Beta version
Anyone having ideas about when this Beta period is over??
Can not install,faild to load 'libmain.so'
Glasses Clipping
just put glasses on my avatar, wasn't sure if this was a known thing. They kind of clip into the head on the home screen.
Bug Report: Can't rank up
Trying to rank up into the next league and a win that would put me over set me back 150-200 points. Tried ranking up on 4 different occasions. Really frustrating to figure out what was going on.
Match Clock Glitch
While playing a match on iOS, every time I pressed “End Turn” my clock skipped forward 7 seconds. This made my turns last 10+ seconds minimum while my opponent’s turns lasted only 3 seconds. Since the clock starts running before I draw, the long draw animation makes this even worse going to time.
Glasses glitch - anyone else?
My character avatar frequently has the colour of the frames and lenses of my glasses change - some times during a match, sometimes between matches. I went and fixed it quite a few times but keeps happening. I rarely manage to play a game without it crashing so this is only a minor issue in comparison but annoying
What to expect?! 1) fix bug(s) 2) fix bug and compensation 3) valiable answer