Is anyone else's TCGLive running REALLY slow???
the framerate and just loading in general is taking forever and its kind of concerning. i dont want to be playing this if its going to run like this. If anyone else encountered this issue or possibly knows how to fix it, PLEASE HELP!!
Single Strike Urn of vitality and Houndoom do not work with impact energy
I came across a bug where you can not accelerate single strike impact energy with houndoom, likewise you can not get the energy back in the deck with the urn of vitality. I'm pretty sure this is incorrect because I was using a rapid strike deck and I was able to use Octillery to get a rapid strike spiral energy card from…
Just logged in after not being on for a few weeks, everything is gone.
So... I'm a little furious right now. I just reinstalled with a fresh reset of windows and logged in after not being on for a few weeks. It made me go through the tutorial and my entire collection is gone, my decks, my cards, everything.
Sky Seal Stone locks me when I search for cards
So, I tried to use Sky Seal Stone on a deck made by Azul Garcia with the Lost Zone engine + Dragonite V in ranked play. However, it seems that this card is one of many items from Crown Zenith that has a bug where the game prevents you from searching cards with items. There are many times in which I couldn't put Pokemon on…
Amazing burst Rayquaza not calculating damage correctly
It is doing 80x for each basic energy discarded instead of 80x for each type of basic energy discarded.
Cheryl Supporter Bug
I just played a Cheryl card to heal my evolution pokemon (Bilbarell was on bench, Aloean Executor was active spot) Bilbarell had 1 energy, Executor had 7. It healed Bilbarrell and discarded energy as expected, but then it didn't heal executor (also as expected) but discarded all his energy? Reading the card it definitely…
Decks not ported from PTCGO to PTCGL
My decks have been lost. Please could a support agent send me an email with the decklists (the list of cards with sets and quantities as like from the deck exporter) of all my decks from PTCGO. I was not warned these would not be transferred.
why won't the program work on my pc?
i dowloaded, uninstalled, reinstalled, changed different settings restarted my pc everything. it will start up do the load screen and then ask me what language i click english then ok and it will start the load screen over then makje me select language over and over again.
App needs to be updated for tablet devices..
The app needs to be updated for ipad devices an android devices it needs to support landscape mode for tablet devices the game is unplayable when using tablets.. please update the app it needs to support landscape mode,..
all search cards in my build of the game does not work
all search cards in my build of the game show (number) available targets, but does not show the cards, so i can't select any card.