losing rank for leaving match que
when i leave the match que, it counts as if i had lost the match and therefore i lose rank.
Could not select prize cards
I can't say what triggered this bug, since I've played many games without it happening. But in the last game I played, my two prize cards looked selected, but the "Select" button didn't illuminate, and I was stuck on that screen until I quit the client and restarted it.
Stuck in card effect use?
When I use a card like a support card or when I use the pokemon effect that lets me draw energy when the effect happens it says I have no energy to pull and I get stuck in the select energy screen until my turn ends by time.
power tablet , echo horn
on ptcg live pc version playing more than 1 power tablet wont work dmg is not calculated correctly , also echo horn on pc wont let me see opponents pokemon just black silhouette's
5 Second Turn Timer
Hello, I'm experiencing a 5 second timer in online battles (Ranked or Casual). My timer starts during the animation saying Your Turn, and I'm only actionable for about 2 seconds after. If the opponent attacks, my timer starts during animations and will immediately end my turn because by the time I'm actionable, my time is…
Turn TImer
I get that this game need one otherwise certain player would just afk and ruin the game. But jesus it need some work. 15 seconds per action is enough (well 20 seconds would be a sweet spot), however you have to sit through animations that the timer just counts down through, and there have been many instances that your turn…
Turn timer
Before my turn, my timer is already counting down... So before my card is pulled I only have 1 or 2 seconds left. Which means I sometimes don't have a turn because it's over before I do anything at all....
Turn skip bug :(
Also most every match , one my opponent end their turn and it becomes my turn ,after card draw the game automatically ends my turn and starts the opponent turn again, over and over until I lose because I Could not make a single move
Suspicious Food Tin
I tried to play in live six times totall and every game crashed every time i have drawn card Suspicious Food Tin. Is this bug have a any solution? How im suposed to migrate from online if game cant suport playing even one of starting decks?
How do you challenge a friend?
I tried to challenge a friend in the live and he couldn’t accept or find the challenge, how can this be fixed?