Error 10010
I'm aware of what the normal causes of this error are, however, my PC is hooked up to the same internet as before, and I've tried using my phone at the places away from home where I have played before, and I'm getting this error. My laptop, which has wireless internet and is signed into a different account, however, has no…
Why do cards freeze?
When I draw cards, sometimes they freeze on the screen. This happens from the middle of the match , to the start where I draw the first cards. Does anyone know why this happens?
Erreur 10010 sur pc
J ai erreur 10010 sur mon pc pis il fonctionne sur mon téléphone
Possible bug...
Hello, Not sure if this is correct... I'm using the Burn Brightly ability from Pokemon Go Charizard and discarding fire energy from Rayquaza VMAX for his attack and it only gave me one fire energy instead of 2 when discarding the fire energy for the attack. I'm thinking it should have been 2 energy discarded for the one…
Battle Pass Missions
anyone elses daily missions on tcg live not progressing at all?
Time out still doesn’t end a game
I was playing on Standard Ranked earlier and my opponent got stuck on the scoop up net screen attempting to scoop up a Galarian weezing or radiant sneasler (they were playing what looked like the free eternatus deck). 30 minutes later, 0 seconds left on the clock, and the screen is still stuck on the scoop up net screen.
AI Miss-plays (Double Supporter, Same turn)
Was testing deck build. The AI played Marnie, then immediately after, played Professors Research. It is an illegal play.
Timer Stuck?
I was playing this person and I’m not sure if the timer got stuck or if they were stalling the game. They played a Great Ball on their first turn, then never finished it. I thought maybe the game got stuck but we were exchanging avatar expressions at one point. I waited the entire 24 minutes, but the when the timer got to…
Audios off, desktop version!!
After the last update, in the desktop version, when you turn off the sound of the music and sound of the effects and, with the field effects selected to the option turned off, the metal pokemons when they enter the active position, they still continue with the sound of the effect of metal animation, even with everything…
Buggy Button!!!
In the desktop version, when you press that choice button for skill and attack, any effect you use to attack that needs to perform a search at the end, the game automatically crashes to the point where you can't move anymore.